Game Objects


The tanks section includes: a description of the mechanics of tanks, a detailed description of the characteristics of tanks, the appearance and rarity of tanks

Appearance of tanks

The game has 20 types of appearance of tanks, the number of tanks will expand during the development of the project. Players can choose the appearance in the tank shop. After the purchase, the tank enters the game, where the player will be able to view it both on the battlefield and in the Hangar section.

Image of external types of tanks with a division by rarity:

Common tanks

Rare tanks

Legendary tanks

Rarity of tanks

In the game, tanks are divided into three categories of rarity of tanks: common, rare, and legendary. Depending on the rarity of the tank, players receive game benefits in the form of bonus characteristics, camouflage for different types of maps, and possibly in the system of improvements/bonuses.

Description of the rarity of tanks:

  1. Common - the standard type of tanks is the most common tank in the game, these tanks will be added to the game in the amount of 7000 units. The characteristic color of conventional tanks is green. This color helps tanks to hide better in the shadow of the “Bush" blocks, which will allow players to ambush their enemies and take a more advantageous position on the field.

  2. Rare - rare tanks, an improved version of the “Common" rarity tanks. Better starting characteristics, which makes them a more powerful combat unit on the battlefield. This rarity will be introduced into the game in a more limited edition of 2500 units. Rare tanks are more valuable and the price of these tanks will be higher than that of “common" tanks in terms of rarity. The characteristic color of rare tanks is yellow. The color does not help the players in stealth mechanics so much, but increased characteristics neutralize this difference.

  3. Legendary - the rarest type of tanks. Legendary tanks have the maximum advantage on the battlefield, both in characteristics and camouflage. A bonus leveling system will be added for legendary tanks (for more information, see section This rarity will be introduced into the game in a more limited edition of 500 units. Legendary tanks will be the highest cost resources in the game. The characteristic color of the legendary tanks is black. The color gives tanks the maximum benefit from the mechanics of stealth, both in open space and when playing from the shelter of the "bush”.


In the game, each tank will have a number of characteristics that will be responsible for its game mechanics. The following is a list of characteristics with a detailed description and mechanics.

List of characteristics:

  1. Speed - is one of the most important game characteristics of tanks. The higher the speed of the tank, the greater its maneuverability on the battlefield. The speed characteristic will be located in the range from 80 to 97, where the value 100 is the base speed of 16 cells/sec, this will allow players to cross the playing field in 16 seconds from one wall to the opposite. At the maximum speed, the tank overcomes 20.8 cells/sec and 12.8 cells/sec at the minimum.

  2. Armor - is the main characteristic of the tank's health. The higher the armor index, the more damage a tank can receive before it is destroyed. The armor characteristics will be in the range from 80 to 120.

  3. Ricochet - the characteristic of ignoring the damage from a hit shot into the tank, allows the tank with a small chance to avoid the damage received during the battle. The ricochet characteristic will be located in the range from 0 to 6, depending on the characteristic, it will also be the percentage of the ricochet.

  4. Fire Rate - allows players to shoot more often, reducing the reload time between shots. This characteristic plays a very important role in the game, the more often a player makes a shot, the higher the chance to hit the enemy or win a head-on shootout. The characteristic of the firing speed will be located in the range from 90 to 99, where the value of 100 is the standard reload value of 0.6 seconds. At the maximum value of the firing speed, the tank recharge time is 0.54 seconds, with a minimum of 0.63 seconds.

  5. Damage - is a basic characteristic of the damage caused by the tank. Depending on the damage, the player will be able to destroy enemy tanks faster, which will eventually be able to bring him victory in battle. The damage from the shot will be in the range of 30 to 45.

  6. Luck - enables players to deliver a critical shot at the enemy tank. The critical damage multiplier coefficient is calculated using the formula (n*1.5), where n is the damage from the shot plus the damage from the projectile, and 1.5 is the static value of the “Luck” bonus. The luck characteristic will be located in the range from 0 to 6, depending on the characteristic, it will also be the percentage of a successful shot.

  7. Bonus - additional time to use the bonuses collected on the map. The bonus characteristic will be located in the range from 0 to 2, the value of the characteristic will be the time of application of the bonus in seconds.

  8. Resilience - reduces the repair cost of the Tank NFT. It will reach level 25 and at the final level, it will provide a 50% discount on the total repair cost.

Description of the operation of the algorithm for getting a shot into a tank.

Player A, makes a shot at player B, the shot hits the tank, after which the algorithm starts working:

  1. Checking the “Invulnerability" bonus (see point 3.2.5. Mechanics of game bonuses”) - when the bonus is active, the tank hit by the projectile completely ignores the subsequent steps of calculating the chances and receiving damage.

  2. “Ricochet" check - the probability of a ricochet is calculated on the server, depending on the percentage of the tank into which the shot was fired.

  3. Calculation of the total damage inflicted by the tank. The stats are summed up as “Shot damage” and "Projectile damage" (see point 3.2.4. Projectile mechanics).

  4. Checking "Luck” - the probability of a successful shot is calculated on the server, depending on the percentage of the tank that fired the shot.

  5. Reduction of the “Armor” characteristic. The armor index decreases depending on the damage done, taking into account all additional bonuses. If the damage reduces the armor index to 0 or a negative value, the tank is destroyed and the player stops the battle. The exception is the active bonus “Extra chance" (see point 3.2.5. Mechanics of game bonuses").

The numerical values given are not final and may change during the balance calculation and testing.

Leveling system

The game provides a mechanism for leveling tanks. Each tank, upon reaching a new level, will receive bonus characteristics to the current stats. The leveling system is a simple table of levels and experience to achieve the level.

Table of levels and experience:

The table describes the ranges of levels and the required experience to get a level in the specified range. Example: A "rare" tank at level 18, must get 1500 points of experience to get level 19, after which the experience counter is reset to zero and goes from the beginning. The total value of experience, for obtaining the maximum level of a tank is 42000.

Experience gain system

  1. For participating in the match, the tank receives 1 point of experience. The type of match (Experience/Treasure Battle) does not affect this indicator, i.e. in any match, 1 point of experience will be awarded by the tank.

  2. For destroying an enemy tank, the tank gets an additional 1 unit of experience for each kill.

  3. For winning a match, the tank gets an additional 5 units of experience.

  4. Сollecting the bonus “In pursuit of the level" on the field (see 3.2.5. Mechanics of game bonuses”), for each collected bonus, the tank receives 2 units of experience.

Also, the game may resemble “2x experience promotions", on such days all the experience gained is doubled.

Displaying a tank on the battlefield

The tank is the main unit in the game for each player. Entering any type of battle, the player must see his tank and find it on the field without any problems.

When tanks appear on the battlefield, the tank is in the state of appearance for the first 3 seconds and its model flickers slightly (from 100% opacity to 50%, with a frequency of 2 times per second. The indicator changes smoothly, not instantly). This will help players notice all the tanks on the battlefield or a tank that has recently been destroyed, but used the bonus "Extra Chance" (see point 3.2.5. Mechanics of game bonuses”). The "Tank Appearance Image" shows an example of a tank flickering.

The player needs to highlight his tank, since several tanks with the same skin (skin is the appearance) of the tank can be on the field at the same time. To highlight the tank, you need to choose the most detached color for the map and tank skins, at the moment this color is purple. The "Tank Backlight Image" shows an example of what a tank backlight might look like on the battlefield (this is just an example, the backlight will be drawn during development).

Thanks to the tank's backlight, the player will be able to find his tank on the battlefield without any difficulty, and also will not be confused in control by accidentally moving his gaze to an opponent's tank with a similar skin.

The tank's backlight can be set to the game settings and provide players with a choice of colors from a palette of several colors (an example of this option is various MMO shooters in which the player can change the gradient of his interface for the most comfortable game).

After the tank is destroyed, a short animation of the explosion is displayed. The ”Tank Explosion Image" shows an example of the appearance of an explosion.

The explosion will consist of a sprite animation, which will include 3-4 explosion sprites. The explosion should take no longer than 0.5 seconds to minimize the distraction of the player from the gameplay of the battle.

Tank management. Game joystick for mobile version.

The game is designed for Android-based mobile platforms, desktop versions for macOS and Windows operating systems, WebGL browser version. Depending on the launch platform, one of the controls will be automatically selected.

For desktop versions running macOS and Windows operating systems, as well as the WebGL browser version (desktop only, mobile browsers are not designed for this type of games), the control described in paragraph Tank control and direction display while driving will be used;

For the mobile version of the game, the control described in paragraph Game joystick for mobile devices will be used.

Tank control. Directions while driving.

The tank is controlled using a keyboard (in the future it will be possible to add joysticks). For the convenience of users, it is necessary to bring the menu to the settings “Controls” (see point 3.7. Settings), in which he will be able to change the preset control option to the one that suits him.

Standard tank control includes 4 direction control buttons (WASD or direction arrows), a shot button (space bar) and a bonus activation button (E or Q).

Description of the operation of the movement control:

  1. W or up arrow key - moves the tank in an upward direction. If the tank is turned in three other directions, it instantly changes direction and starts moving upwards.

  2. A or left arrow key - moves the tank to the left. If the tank was turned in three other directions, it instantly changes direction and starts moving to the left.

  3. S or down arrow key - moves the tank in a downward direction. If the tank was turned in three other directions, it instantly changes direction and starts moving downwards.

  4. D or right arrow key - moves the tank to the right. If the tank was turned in three other directions, it instantly changes direction and starts moving to the right.

  5. Spacebar or 0 num key - carries out a shot from the tank, from the side of the turret, i.e. the tank cannot carry out a shot from the sides of the tank or the rear of the hull. The game does not provide a mechanism for controlling the tank tower separately from its body.

  6. E and Q - bonus activation buttons if the player has an active bonus and has not used it before.

The game provides mechanics of movement only in 4 directions:

  • Up

  • Down

  • Right

  • Left

If the player simultaneously presses several movement buttons, the direction of movement is selected by the last button pressed.

Example 1: the player moved in the direction W (up), after which, without releasing the W button, he pressed the A button (left), the tank instantly turned in the direction left and continued to move in accordance with the clamped A button.

Example 2: the player moved in the direction W (up), after which, without releasing the W button, he pressed the A button (left), the tank instantly turned to the left and continued moving in accordance with the clamped button A. The player did not release the W button and it is still active. Having reached the desired point of movement in the direction to the left, the player can release the A button and continue moving in the upward direction, since the W button is still considered to be pressed and there are no other active direction buttons at the moment.

Example 3: the player can move in any of the directions chosen by him, as well as actively use bonuses or shots without interrupting the animation of the tank movement.

Example 4 conclusion: there can be no more than two actively clamped buttons, otherwise the tank stops moving and stops in place. This is an important rule to exclude incorrect behavior of the tank animation and incorrect choice of the tank direction.

The ”Tank direction image" displays 4 variants of the tank direction.

Game joystick for mobile devices

For Android-based mobile devices, it is necessary to implement an individual control interface, an on-screen joystick and additional buttons will be used for control. The appearance of the joystick is presented on the "Joystick Image”

The location of the joystick can be either on the left or on the right side, for the convenience of the player, it is necessary to make a menu in the settings “Control” (see point 3.7. Settings), in which he will be able to change the preset control option to the one that suits him.

To start moving, you need to press the stick, then without releasing the stick with your finger, indicate the direction of movement for the tank. On the "joystick image", 4 directions are indicated in which the tank can move, other directions are not provided in the game.

It is necessary to implement 3 main game buttons:

  • The main shooting (the largest button is located on the opposite side of the joystick). If the button is pressed, shots are fired automatically, and the rate of fire depends on the skill level "Shooting speed" (clause Characteristics). Pressing the button rapidly does not increase the speed of the shot;

  • The first bonus (a small button located next to the "Main Shooting" button, which displays the bonus icon if the player currently has it). To activate the bonus, you need to tap on the "Bonus" button once, after use, the bonus slot becomes inactive until a new bonus occupies this slot;

  • The second bonus (a small button located next to the "Main Shooting" button, which displays the bonus icon, if the player currently has it). To activate the bonus, you need to tap on the "Bonus" button once, after use, the bonus slot becomes inactive until a new bonus occupies this slot.

Mechanics of the respawn and appearance of the tank at the beginning of the game

The mechanics of rebirth are responsible for the places where tanks appear on the playing field. The points of appearance of the tank are embedded in the maps of the playing fields. Entering the battle, all players are randomly distributed to the respawn points located on the playing field. Thus, getting to the same level, players will appear in different places, which will allow them to play different tactics depending on their current location on the map.

After the appearance/respawn of the player, the tank is in a "respawn" state. The reswapn state stays for 3 seconds. In this state, a number of rules apply to the tank:

  • The tank can move in any direction, but all obstacles act on it in standard mode;

  • The tank cannot attack. The "Main shooting" button is inactive;

  • The tank is in the "Invulnerability after respawn" state, this state differs from the “Invulnerability" bonus state, only by prohibiting shooting;

  • It is forbidden to activate bonuses in active slots;

  • It is allowed to collect bonuses located on the map.

When tanks appear on the battlefield, the tank is in the state of appearance for the first 3 seconds and its model flickers slightly (from 100% opacity changes to 50%, with a frequency of 2 times per second. The indicator changes smoothly, not instantly).

Projectile mechanics

Projectile mechanics - describes the projectile's flight speed and direction, the mechanics of a projectile explosion when colliding with different types of objects, as well as the mechanics of projectile reinforcement if a bonus was purchased in the “Hangar" section (section 3.4.2 Hangar).

Projectile flight speed and direction

The velocity of the projectile is a static value, which is the same for all tanks. The speed of the projectile cannot be increased or slowed down (the only exception is the “Stop Time" bonus clause 3.2.5. Mechanics of game bonuses).

Projectile flight speed is 56.9 cells/sec, which allows the projectile to fly from one end of the battlefield to the other in 4.5 seconds. In comparison with the speed of the tank, the projectile flies 3-5 times faster than the tank (depending on the speed of the tank).

The direction of the projectile's flight is determined at the moment of the shot, changing the direction of the projectile is not provided by the game mechanics. The directions of the projectile correspond to the directions of the tank (see paragraph Tank control).

Mechanics of a projectile explosion

The explosion of projectiles occurs when the released projectile comes into contact with destructible, non-destructible objects (for more information about the intersection of projectiles with objects, see p.3.1.3 Description of game obstacles) and tank models.

There are 3 types of projectile explosion in the game:

Weak explosion - occurs when a projectile hits destructible, non-destructible objects and tank models. The ”Weak explosion image" shows a weak explosion. The explosion animation should consist of 3 sprites, the animation playback speed is 0.5 seconds.

Strong explosion - occurs if a projectile hits destructible, non-destructible objects and models of tanks, if the tank that fired the shot was affected by the “Super Strength” bonus. The ”Strong explosion image" shows a strong explosion. The explosion animation should consist of 3 sprites, the animation playback speed is 0.5 seconds.

Tank explosion - occurs in case of tank destruction after a projectile hit.

Mechanics of projectile bonus

The standard values of damage from projectiles, depends on the performance of the tank. To strengthen the projectile, the player can use boosters for projectiles, which are purchased in the “Hangar" section (section 3.4.2 Hangar).

The general principle of bonus. To activate the bonus, the player needs to go to the "Hangar”, select the tank on which the bonus will be used and activate it by clicking on the gain icon and selecting "Activate" to conduct the next battle. If the player does not have a power-up, he can buy it for the in-game currency in the same section by clicking on the power-up icon and selecting ”Buy". The bonus works for one next fight, the type of fight can be any.

Types of Bonus:

  • Damage Increase - adds 30% damage to the starting value from the tank characteristics;

  • Microstan - when hit by an enemy tank, the tank stops for 0.1 seconds, after which it continues to move. Does not affect shooting and reloading;

  • Slow - when hitting an enemy tank, the tank reduces the movement speed by 40% of the starting value of the “Speed” characteristic. Does not affect shooting and reloading;

  • Transparent bullets - bullets become barely visible after a shot. The standard texture of bullets becomes transparent by 80-90%

Mechanics of game bonuses

Game bonuses are bonuses that appear during the course of the battle on the field in random places and are valid only within the framework of the current battle.

Game bonuses cannot be destroyed with a shot, all projectiles pass under them, as well as in the case of obstacles located on layer 3 (see section 3.1.3. Description of game obstacles).

There are three types of bonuses:

  • Automatic bonuses;

  • Activated bonuses;

  • Tank Experience bonus.

Automatic bonuses

Automatic bonuses are a type of bonuses that are automatically activated after they are taken on the field. Each bonus has an expiration time, after which it automatically ends. The validity period and the bonus itself will be written individually for each bonus.

The general rule for all automatic bonuses is that a tank cannot have more than one bonus activated at a time, upon receiving the second bonus, the first one instantly ceases to be valid. This rule applies only to automatic bonuses, other types of bonuses the player can collect or activate.

List of bonuses:

Super Strength - increases the damage inflicted by the tank by 50%, allows you to destroy the "Steel Wall" objects (see section 3.1.3. Description of game obstacles). The standard duration of the bonus is 10 seconds. The time may increase along with the characteristics of the tank “bonus" (see paragraph characteristic). During the action of the “Super Strength" bonus, a small aura appears around the tank, which shows that the bonus is valid for the tank. The aura must be displayed in the form of lightning enveloping the entire tank. The "Super Strength Image” shows an example of a tank with an active bonus should look like.

Super Strength Icon image

Invulnerability - makes the tank invulnerable to attacks. Invulnerability allows the tank to completely ignore damage when a projectile hits it. The standard duration of the bonus is 10 seconds. The time may increase along with the characteristics of the tank “Bonus" (see paragraph Characteristics). During the "Invulnerability" bonus, a small aura appears around the tank, which shows that the tank is affected by the bonus. The aura must be displayed in the form of a protective dome enveloping the entire tank. The "Invulnerability Image" shows an example of how a tank with an active bonus should look like.

Invulnerability Icons Image

Flight - allows the tank to ignore obstacles located at the 1st obstacle level of the map (see 3.1.2. Technical description of the map), such as water and sand. The tank must pass through these objects without interference as if there is an empty cell in front of it. The standard duration of the bonus is 15 seconds. The time may increase along with the characteristic of the tank “Bonus" (see paragraph characteristics). This bonus can not be displayed in the form of an aura, as it only helps in crossing obstacles, but does not enhance the tank's performance.

Flight Icon image

Extra chance - the bonus allows you to restore a destroyed tank in a random place on the map, with a full reserve of armor. If a player has activated the bonus and at the moment when a shell with final damage hits his tank, the bonus is still active, the tank explodes, but the player is not considered to be lost. After 3 seconds, at a random point of respawn (see clause 3.2.3. Mechanics of respawn), his tank appears, as if the battle has just begun for him. The standard duration of the bonus is 20 seconds. The time may increase along with the characteristic of the tank “Bonus" (see paragraph characteristics). This bonus can not be displayed as an aura, since it only helps the player who activated it, and does not enhance the tank's performance. The player has an icon with the image of the bonus Extra Chance on the right panel and disappears at the end of the action time.

Extra Chance Icon image

Time stop - the bonus allows you to stop all actions on the map, such as: the movement of all tanks (except the one who activated bonus), the flight of projectiles (which have already been released). The tank that activated the bonus can move around the map and fire shots, just if it was a normal course of game time. The standard duration of the bonus is 5 seconds. The time cannot be increased by the tank's “Bonus" characteristic (see clause characteristics).

Time freeze icons image

Activated bonuses

Mine - an activated bonus that allows players to place a mine on the battlefield that explodes after any player activates it or by an automatic timer. To install a mine, the player must get the bonus “Mine", then choose a place to set it, it can be an empty space or a space with a passable obstacle (bush, sand, etc.). After installing the mine, this field becomes impassable for the tank, until the mine is blown up or destroyed. Automatic detonation occurs 10 seconds after the mine is set. To manually detonate the mine, the player must repeatedly press the bonus activation button in the tank control panel, after which the mine instantly explodes and causes damage to others. It takes 3 hits of a projectile to destroy a mine, the damage from a projectile is not important, the main condition is hitting a mine. Destruction of a mine does not trigger detonation and the mine disappears from the battlefield. After detonation of a mine, it explodes and deals 90 damage to all tanks in the radius of destruction (including the tank that planted the mine). A mine causes damage only to tanks, obstacles are not destroyed after the explosion. The radius of mine damage is 5 fields vertically and 5 horizontally, the "Mine explosion image" shows an example of the vertical radius of mine damage.

Mine Explosion Icon image

Explosion is an activated bonus that allows you to damage a random enemy in any part of the map once. After using the bonus, the opponent is selected randomly. A tank with “invulnerability" bonus can get hit but it will not cause any effect. This bonus is best suited for a late game, when the number of opponents is reduced and when the bonus is activated, you can predict who the damage will be intended for. Explosion deals 50 damage to a tank.

Explosion Icon image

Blink - an activated bonus that instantly moves the tank 6 fields forward in the direction of movement. After activation of a bonus, a player makes an instant jump in the direction of movement of the tank, at a distance not exceeding 6 fields, the condition for the jump is an empty space in front of the tank, if there is an obstacle in front of the tank, the tank will jump only to the obstacle or the edge of the map.

Blink Icon image

Tank Experience Bonus

In pursuit of the level - the only type of bonus that does not affect the gameplay. This bonus gives additional experience for a match and it does not depend on the result. Picking up the bonus, the player automatically receives 2 points of experience at the end of the battle.

Experience Icon image

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