Report 18.02.2022

What was completed:

  1. API Server:

    1. Load/Update list of games servers from databases

    2. Server-Sent Events Surface Channel (there is only so much matchmaking);

    3. Handling documentation open API;

  2. Client:

    1. Generation [async http] client from open API;

    2. Consumer authorizations;

    3. Auto-renewal access_token;

    4. Rating table subdivided into API;

    5. Connection to the API server;

  3. Game:

    1. Integration of this API for connecting to a server;

    2. Integration of consultants providing information on interlocking games;

    3. Integration of information providers about the characteristics of a tank sub-locked to the current mat;

    4. In the realization of puzzles and transmitters, the image of a tank in the match;

    5. There is a task and determination of cards at the starting point;

    6. Code refactoring ;

Last updated